IMPORTANT) NO TRIAL. Works on 2D mode only. If pixel-bot palladium works on your computer (you can test that for free), then you know how this bot will work. If you are new to this product, please read here before buy.
For another payment methods, scroll down in this page.
Official prices PayPal (credit card):
BoX8 - 6 months / 1 computer, no USERID lock / 6 EUR
BoX8 - 6 months + Email notify / same + get notification via mail / 8 EUR
BoX8 Add Email Notify / add option to current license / 2 EUR
*1 computer = you can run the bot on 1 computer. Other computer or laptop, including Virtual
Machine are considered another computer and you need another license.
** licenses are not bind to USERID, so you can run 1 (one) to unlimited DIFFERENT darkorbit
accounts whenever you want but not simultaneous.
After your payment is done, make sure you contact us via mail, and then you will receive mail with instructions
for activation and download of the bot/tool.
• No e-mail received ?
The whole transaction time is conducted at ~6 hours, but sometimes depends on your provider the mail can be delayed. You can insist on mail if you didn't received any mail from us after 12 hours! (check also SPAM)
We can REFUND (or correct your mistakes) with no questions asked in maximum 48 hours. (Paypal fee`s not included)
Another methods of PAYMENT: